Journal of Strategic Management <p><span style="font-weight: 400;">Journal of Strategic Management is published by EdinBurg Journals &amp; Books. It covers publications and papers in the fields of Strategy and Institutional &amp; Corporate Management. </span></p> <p><span style="font-weight: 400;">It is reviewed by the </span><strong>EdinBurg Editorial Board</strong><span style="font-weight: 400;"> which consists of the world's best selling authors and writers. Journal has been globally indexed and with papers from all over the world.</span></p> <p><strong>Online ISSN: 2789-4851</strong></p> <h3>Submission Email: <a href=""></a></h3> <h3>Oline Submission: <a href=""></a></h3> en-US Mon, 20 May 2024 06:45:09 +0000 OJS 60 Strategic Leadership and Performance of Kenya Airways Limited in Nairobi City County, Kenya <p>In Kenya Airways Limited, there have been issues of poor performance in terms of decreased profits, reduced number of passengers, reduced market share, increased operating costs and reduced craft movements has been an issue. The purpose of this study was to examine the effect of strategic leadership on performance of Kenya Airways Limited in Nairobi County, Kenya. The study was supported by resource-based view theory and employed a descriptive research design. The targeted population was 388 managerial staff drawn from departments at Kenya Airways Limited. The sample size of 143 participants were chosen by use of stratified random sampling technique. Analysis of qualitative data was though thematic analysis. Quantitative data analysis was through the use of descriptives and inferential statistics. The study established that strategic leadership had a strong effect on the organizational performance of Kenya Airways Limited (β=0.609; p=0.000). The study concluded that strategic leadership has a significant effect on the performance of Kenya Airways Limited, Kenya. &nbsp;The study recommends that the management at Kenya Airways Limited needs to implement and strengthen leadership development programs to enhance the strategic leadership skills of current and potential leaders. There is also a need for KQ management to organize and offer training sessions, workshops, and mentorship programs for employees and junior management staff in an attempt to cultivate a leadership pipeline within Kenya Airways Limited.</p> Francis Ndambuki Mutie, Jedidah Muli Copyright (c) 2024 Francis Ndambuki Mutie, Jedidah Muli Mon, 20 May 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Effect of Strategic Scanning on Performance of NGOs in Samburu County, Kenya <p>Strategic scanning is a key influencer that enhanced an organizational ability to deliver services and programs effectively. Despite the NGOs in Samburu County adopting various strategic planning processes such as strategic scanning, there have been deteriorating performance in recent years. Therefore, the purpose of the study was to establish the effect of strategic scanning on performance of NGOs in Samburu County, Kenya. The study adopted a descriptive research design, encompassing all 31 NGOs within the county.&nbsp; Notably,262 employees within these organizations were involved in the study. A sample size of 158 employees were selected using stratified random sampling where structured questionnaires were used to gather insights from these employees. Further, the study undertook a pre-testing and selected a pilot sample of 16 employees from three NGOs in Isiolo County to ensure the questionnaire's clarity and relevance. The correlation coefficient for strategic scanning r=0.505 at α &lt; 0.009 and 99% significance level. Therefore, since the correlation coefficient was less than 1 and p-value was less than 0.05, the study rejected the null hypothesis. The study concluded that majority of NGOs wasted a lot of resources on strategies that they would have benchmarked with their competitors. This was attributed to poor strategic scanning of the environment to note what was working and what was not among different stakeholders such as their competitors.&nbsp; A continued non-benchmarked strategy would be a recipe for failure and reduced performance. The recommendation is that NGO management should liaise with operations staff for information on what their competitors were doing in regard to strategic plan implementation. In the same line of thought the management should set policies that allow flexibility on strategy changes to facilitate benchmarking practices. This would improve resonance of established strategic plans that were impactful, time-bound, and realistic in implantation stage.</p> Kelvin Saruni Lalampaa, Dr. Nancy Rintari, PhD, Adel Kanyiri Copyright (c) 2024 Kelvin Saruni Lalampaa, Dr. Nancy Rintari, PhD, Adel Kanyiri Mon, 01 Jul 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Influence of Supplier Management on Organizational Performance of New KCC Limited in Kenya <p>The purpose of the study was to determine the influence of supplier management on organizational performance of New KCC Limited in Kenya. An explanatory research design was used in the study. 110 members of the new KCC management team were included in the target population. Because of the limited population, the study employed the census approach. Primary data was gathered using a questionnaire. Delivering the questionnaire, the researcher had two study partners help. The drop-and-pick method was then used. To increase the number of responses, surveys were also disseminated by email. Both descriptive and inferential statistics were used to analyze the data. The research findings were calculated and analyzed using SPSS Version 22 (Statistical Package for the Social Sciences). Diagrams and tables were used to display the results. From the results, it was observed that there is a positive and also significant correlation between supplier management and organizational performance. Regression analysis results also revealed a positive and significant relationship between supplier management and organizational performance. The study made suggestions that firms in Kenya should adopt this supplier management strategy. The study also made recommendations that policymakers in government should formulate policies that will address the negative effect of the firms' operating environment on the effect of TQM strategies on organizational performance.</p> Nicera Wangiri Ndwiga, Dr. Maria Mung’ara Copyright (c) 2024 Nicera Wangiri Ndwiga, Dr. Maria Mung’ara Mon, 15 Jul 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Revitalizing Performance of Three Star Hotels in Machakos County, Kenya Through the Application of Turnaround Strategies <p>This study sought to assess the effect of turnaround strategies on performance of selected three-star hotels in Machakos County, Kenya. The specific objectives were to determine the impact of downsizing, divestiture, price bundling, and repositioning on the performance of three-star hotels in Machakos County, Kenya. The research was grounded on the balance scorecard theory, contingency theory, institutional theory, and resource-based view theory. The study adopted a descriptive research design. A total of 454 (Finance staff, HR staff, and Marketing staff, Guests) involved in operation of three-star hotels were targeted. A stratified random sampling technique was used to select a sample size of 135 respondents. Semi-structured questionnaires were utilized to gather primary data. A pilot study was done using 10 participants who were not involved in the final data gathering to check validity and reliability of study instrument. To explore the impact of the link between the independent and dependent variables, multiple regression analysis was performed. The study findings show that coefficient of correlation was 0.789, an indication that the study variables significantly influenced performance of three-star hotels. Coefficient of adjusted determination was 0.615 which translates to 61.5%. This indicates that variations in dependent variable was explained by the independent variables (downsizing strategy, divestiture strategy, price bundling and repositioning strategy). The findings also established that P-value was 0.001 which is less than 0.05 an indication that the study variables significantly influenced performance of three-star hotels. The study concludes that turnaround strategies significantly affect the performance of selected three-star hotels in Machakos County, Kenya. The hotel administrators should come up with reliable communication channels about the reasons behind the downsizing staff and offer support services for affected employees. The three-star hotels should conduct thorough due diligence before divesting any assets. This includes a comprehensive analysis of the financial implications, potential impact on market share, and considerations of the long-term strategic goals of the organization.</p> Regina Wanza Wambua, Janet Muthimi, PhD Copyright (c) 2024 Regina Wanza Wambua, Janet Muthimi, PhD Mon, 15 Jul 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Influence of Strategic Leadership Styles on Performance of 3-star Hotels in Mount Kenya East Region <p>The study sought to evaluate the influence of strategic leadership styles on performance of 3-star hotels in Mount Kenya East Region. This study adopted a descriptive survey design on a target population of 21 hotels with a 3-star ranking. Census method was used to include 21 general managers, 21 supervisors, and 84 section heads. Quantitative data inform of questionnaires were used to get information from respondents. A pilot study at the Izaak Walton Hotel Embu County was conducted to establish validity and reliability. Descriptive statistics such as frequencies, percentages and mean were used to analyze linear regression. Inferential statistics such as Pearson correlation, model summary, ANOVA, and regression coefficients approaches were also employed. Data was presented using tables, figures, and explanations. The questionnaire findings revealed that 48(50%) of the respondents indicated that most of the management and control of the strategic implementation process of 3-star hotels occurred at top-level management. This was followed by 27(28%) of the respondents who indicated that management and control of strategic implementation process occurred at middle level. Additionally, majority of the respondents 47(50%) indicated very high and 35(36%) indicated that a democratic type of leadership leads to the most effective formulation of the business plan. However, 52(54%) and 30(32%) of the respondents indicated that bureaucratic leadership style was lowly and moderately used. The correlation coefficient of leadership styles r=0.910 at α &lt; 0.024 and 99% significance level. It was concluded that the management has ensured that the leadership provided enabled the hotels to improve performance in regards to quality of services and utilization of shareholder’s resources. That notwithstanding, it was noted that most hotels practiced mostly bureaucratic leadership style that did not take into consideration the opinion of the workers on how formulated strategies could be improved. The study recommends that the management should attend leadership courses to learn about other critical leadership styles that can be applied to include junior staff in decision-making. The staff should also show interest in understanding how various strategies are formulated through close interaction with the managers. This would enable them to acquire invaluable knowledge and skills on the reasoning behind specific formulated strategies. The management should also develop institutional policies that encourage a staff representative into the board meetings to enable the opinion of the staff to be heard in an organized and respectful manner.</p> Annjoy Mukiri Ng’olua, Dr. Nancy Rintari, Ruth Kanyaru Copyright (c) 2024 Annjoy Mukiri Ng’olua, Dr. Nancy Rintari, Ruth Kanyaru Thu, 25 Jul 2024 00:00:00 +0000