Impact of Project Planning on Performance of Agriculture Projects at Holland Greentech, Rwanda
Agriculture, Budget planning, Holland Greentech, Project performance, Project planning, Resource planning, Risk planning, SchedulingAbstract
Most agriculture projects have been spending more resources, time, and budget associated with different risks which affect the performance of those projects. This study intended to find out the impact of project planning on the performance of agriculture projects at Holland Greentech-Rwanda. Hypotheses tested for significance analysis. The target population was Forty-six (46) respondents. The population was small in size a non-probability sampling (Purposive) was used. Collection of primary data using a closed-ended structured questionnaire. The data was coded and entered for analysis using SPSS version 22. A linear regression model was used to relate the study variables at a significance level of 0.05. The results of the study were presented using tables. The findings revealed that project planning has a significant impact on the performance of agriculture projects. It indicated that project planning impacted the performance of agriculture projects with R2 .825. The study found that resource planning has a significant effect on project performance with sig .004. it also found that scheduling has a significant effect on project performance with sig .035. It revealed that budget planning has a significant effect on project performance with sig .006. The study found that risk planning has a significant effect on project planning with sig .015. The fitted model Y=1.95 means that an increase of one unit of resource planning, scheduling, budget planning, and risk planning increases project performance by 1.95. The study concluded that project planning has a significant impact on the performance of agriculture projects as a recommendation to agriculture companies to conduct project planning properly and continuously to improve the performance of agriculture projects.
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