Influence of Entrepreneurial Opportunities and the Growth Sustainability of Motorcycle (Boda-Boda) Industry for Economic Development in Murang’a County, Kenya


  • Dr. Robert Maina Mwangi Murang’a University of Technology


Entrepreneurial Mindsets, Motorcycle Industry, Economic Development


Motorcycle businesses play a key role in poverty alleviation when run based on entrepreneurial opportunities. This research study was carried out in rural population of Murang’a County, Kenya. The study aimed to provide relevant insights into how the boda-boda service business has influenced growth sustainability towards the economic development of Murang’a County. The research investigates the entrepreneurial opportunities and the growth sustainability of motorcycle industry for economic development in Murang’a County. The study aims to examine the influence of an entrepreneurial mindset and the growth of motorcycle industry on economic development in Murang’a County. The study is supported by dynamic capabilities theory. A cross-sectional survey methodology was utilized which incorporated qualitative and quantitative research methods. During the selection of the sample, particular attention was paid to age, gender, education, income, household, and community. A stratified sampling technique was employed to obtain 359 motorcycle riders from 3500 licensed riders by the seven selected sub-counties in Murang’a county namely; Mathioya, Kangema, Kiharu, Kandara, Maragua, Gatanga, and Kigumo sub-counties. The study concluded that an entrepreneurial mindset helps motorcycle industry to sustain growth for economic development in Murang’a, Kenya. The study suggested that motorcycle riders should focus more on creativity, entrepreneurial alertness, and propensity for risk-taking respectively.


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How to Cite

Mwangi, D. R. M. . (2024). Influence of Entrepreneurial Opportunities and the Growth Sustainability of Motorcycle (Boda-Boda) Industry for Economic Development in Murang’a County, Kenya. Journal of Entrepreneurship &Amp; Project Management, 4(4), 1–13. Retrieved from


