Effect of Asset Reduction on Growth of Small Enterprises in Busia County, Kenya


  • Vivian Musungu Egesa Kenyatta University
  • Dr. Kipkorir Sitienei C.S. Kenyatta University


Asset reduction, growth, small enterprises


Purpose: The primary aim of the study was to establish the effect of asset reduction on growth of small enterprises in Busia County, Kenya.

Methodology: Descriptive and explanatory research designs were used in the study. The research targeted 220 management employees of licensed small enterprises operating in Busia County in Kenya. A census was carried out on all management employees in the department because the number was small. Therefore, all 220 management employees of licensed small enterprises operating in Busia County were included in this study. The drop-and-pick method was used by the investigator to manage the surveys. The research collected primary data using a structured questionnaire.  The study supervisor reviewed the instrument and suggested any required changes to ensure content validity. Reliability was evaluated using Cronbach alpha, the author evaluated the trustworthiness of the data tools. Descriptive and inferential statistics were generated. Data was captured using tables.

Results: Regression of coefficients showed that there is a positive and significant effect of asset reduction and growth of small enterprises.

Conclusion: The study recommended that small enterprises should do replacement of long-term assets since this will enhance their growth. Further, Small enterprises should ensure they often modernize their assets since this enhances the small enterprises' internal operation efficiency and growth. However, firms should not concentrate on disposal of assets since it plays no role in firm growth.

Author Biography

Vivian Musungu Egesa , Kenyatta University

Department of Business, Economics and Tourism


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How to Cite

Egesa , V. M. ., & Sitienei C.S., D. K. . (2024). Effect of Asset Reduction on Growth of Small Enterprises in Busia County, Kenya. Journal of Entrepreneurship &Amp; Project Management, 4(4), 14–22. Retrieved from https://edinburgjournals.org/journals/index.php/journal-of-entrepreneurship/article/view/379


