Monitoring and Evaluation Practices and Performance of Kenya National Highway Authority Road Construction Projects in Nairobi City County, Kenya
Monitoring and Evaluation Practices, Project Performance, Kenya National Highway Authority, Road Construction ProjectsAbstract
Despite efforts and measures by the government of Kenya to improve the performance of road construction projects, government-funded projects are still seen to face delivery challenges due to various factors associated with quality, completion schedules, and cost. This study examined the effect of monitoring and evaluation practices on the performance of road construction projects done by the Kenya National Highway Authority within Nairobi City County, Kenya. The specific objectives were to identify the impact of budget allocations, baseline studies, performance reviews, and capacity building on the performance of road construction projects. Descriptive and explanatory research designs were utilized. The study found that budget allocation was a key performance factor. Specifically, project cost evaluation helped to determine the right budget which positively affected the performance of road projects. Timely disbursement of funds ensured that the projects were delivered in good time. The study further suggested that baseline surveys were key in validating project scope thus assisting to set realistic expectations in time, cost, and quality. Similarly, the study indicated that performance reviews and capacity building enhanced the performance of road construction projects through employees’ feedback sessions, target setting, and reviews as well as adequate resourcing of the project team. The study, therefore, concluded that the specific objectives of this study had a positive effect on the performance of road construction projects within Nairobi City County. It was recommended that road construction budgets be disbursed promptly. Continuous evaluation of gaps in resourcing is critical in building the required capacity. Regular performance reviews should be incorporated to appraise the performance of the project. The study is thought to add to the knowledge base of project management, M&E function as well performance of projects.
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