Factors Impacting Universal Health Care Implementation in Kenya: A Case Study of Bomet County
Universal Health Coverage, Social health coverage, Healthcare accessibility, Healthcare delivery dynamics, Health insurance coverage, Health policy.Abstract
This study explored the challenges hindering the implementation of Universal Health Coverage (UHC) in Kenya, focusing specifically on Longisa County referral hospital in Bomet County. A descriptive cross-sectional analysis was conducted with a sample size of 59 individuals. Three objectives guided the study:(1) To assess how patient characteristics influenced UHC implementation, (2) To investigate the role of social health coverage in UHC implementation, and (3) To determine the effect of accessibility to health services on UHC implementation. Key variables such as Gender, Marital status, Age, Employment status, Levels of income, knowledge, and type of insurance, distance to health facilities, and barriers to UHC access were examined. Chi-square tests via SPSS version 20 revealed significant relationships among most variables, except religion and type of insurance cover. The study's findings emphasize the need for increased public awareness regarding UHC and basic health insurance. Additionally, the research recommended the deployment of innovative strategies like mobile clinics and ambulances to enhance healthcare accessibility. These insights provided a valuable contribution to the understanding of healthcare delivery in the region, presenting actionable guidance for both policymakers and healthcare practitioners.
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