Utilization of HIV Testing and Counseling Services by Teenage Pregnant Girls in Selected Health Facilities in Kilifi, Kenya
Utilization, HIV Testing and Counseling Services, Teenage Pregnant GirlsAbstract
Despite worldwide advancements in health, many countries still face challenges regarding population health, chiefly due to the HIV/AIDS pandemic. AIDS-related illnesses are a leading cause of death among females aged 15-49, with younger individuals at a higher risk globally. HIV Testing Services (HTS) are crucial for managing AIDS, yet few youths are aware of their HIV status. A study in Kilifi found that out of 1,912 teenagers tested for HIV, 1,041 were enrolled in ART. This study aimed to determine the utilization of HIV testing and counseling services by pregnant teenage girls from selected health facilities in Kilifi County. An analytical cross-sectional study design was employed to assess HTS utilization among pregnant girls aged 13-19. Data were collected using a standard questionnaire from 250 participants, with categorical variables reported as counts and percentages. Chi-square was used to determine practices associated with utilization of HIV testing and counseling services was conducted using logistic regression models. Timely utilization of HTS within the recommended 12 weeks of pregnancy was reported by 81 (32.4%). Factors affecting timely HTS utilization included living more than 5 km from the facility (chi-square=16.5, P<0.001), source of income as casual or salaried employment (chi-square=11.4, P=0.02), and awareness that one should be tested while pregnant, which was linked to lower odds of timely HTS use (COR 0.36 (95% CI 0.14–0.90), P=0.03). The study concludes that teenage pregnant girls did not utilize the HTS within the recommended period of 1st trimester (32.4%) as per the MOH guidelines in Kenya. There were missed opportunities for testing for HIV bringing a gap in achieving 100% testing at the ANC level. This conclusion could be attributed to factors such as income and distance to the facilities as being a contributor to the low utilization of HTS.
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Copyright (c) 2025 Caroline Lillo Mramba, Dr. Harun Mbugua Kimani (PhD), Dr. Eliphas Gitonga (PhD)

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