Mobile Health (mHealth) Digital Platform for Primary Data Collection for Prostate Cancer Monitoring and Surveillance in Embu County, Kenya


  • Mwaniki Benard Ndwiga Kenya Methodist University
  • Oirere B.O Naftal Kenya Methodist University
  • Masita Phoebe Kenya Methodist University


mHealth digital platform; Primary data collection; Prostate cancer surveillance


The cancer situation in Africa is on an upward trajectory and requires a context-sensitive approach. Prostate cancer is the fourth cause of death after cervical, breast, and oesophageal cancer respectively with an estimated incidence of 3,412 (8.1%) and a mortality of 1,780 (6.6%) in Kenya. Currently in Kenya cancer registration and surveillance cover an estimated 10% of the population which is sub-optimal. The main aim of the study was to demonstrate the use of an mHealth digital platform prototype to improve the collection and real-time access to primary data for prostate cancer control and surveillance. The study adopted a descriptive cross-sectional study design, utilizing a design science research (DSR) strategy. The target population was healthcare workers, including community health volunteers in Embu County. The purposive sampling technique was used to identify participants, a total population of (71) respondents, and critical case sampling was used to identify (34) community health volunteers (CHVs) from different community health units. Surveys with structured questionnaires were used in data collection, with a response rate of 80.3%. The data collected was subjected to quantitative-descriptive analysis. The findings guided the requirement definition, design, and development of the prototype which was tested by the end users. A gap was noted in prostate primary data collection, documentation, and access from the community. We established the available data was mostly hospital-based. The study also, established that cancer was not covered in an integrated disease surveillance and response system. The mHealth digital platform was tested by the end users to illustrate primary data collection from the community and its real-time access. Finally, the research recommends the expansion of the existing disease surveillance system to include cancer surveillance.


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How to Cite

Ndwiga, M. B. ., Naftal, O. B. ., & Phoebe, M. . (2023). Mobile Health (mHealth) Digital Platform for Primary Data Collection for Prostate Cancer Monitoring and Surveillance in Embu County, Kenya. Innovative Journal of Social Sciences, 3(2), 9–21. Retrieved from


