Analysis of the Ability Levels of Biology Teachers to Implement Inquiry-Based Approach in Secondary Schools in Kiambu County, Kenya


  • Jackson T. Doboyou Kenyatta University
  • Florence K. Nyamu Kenyatta University


Inquiry-Based Learning, Student’s Attitudes, Biology, Secondary Schools


The ability levels of teachers to implement an Inquiry-Based Approach (IBA) during teaching corresponds to the ability of teachers to prepare and present inquiry activities, possess pedagogical content knowledge, engage students in critical thinking and questioning skills, understand teaching inquiry using the levels of inquiry effectively, and providing guidance for students during inquiry. Inquiry-based classroom requires building a scientific environment similar to that of scientists which requires asking questions, observing, experimenting, and communicating results. This study investigated the ability levels of Biology Teachers to implement an Inquiry-Based Approach. The study adopted the descriptive survey design which involved qualitative and quantitative data with a target population of 1,194 students from Form 3, 29 Biology teachers, and 37 secondary schools. Data was collected using Biology teachers’ questionnaires, Form 3 students’ questionnaires, and classroom observation schedules. Data was analyzed using descriptive and thematic analysis. The findings show that majority of the teachers understand IBA and can implement IBA during teaching. However, Biology teachers pointed out that, students’ preparedness, inadequate teachers’ training in IBA, limited time, and students’ weak entry behavior in Biology posed challenges to their ability to implement IBA. The study recommends training programs should be organized for Biology teachers to enable them to implement IBA. The study also recommends that the Biology curriculum should have an extended time to enable Biology teachers to implement IBA frequently.

Author Biographies

Jackson T. Doboyou, Kenyatta University

Department of Educational Communication and Technology

Florence K. Nyamu, Kenyatta University

Department of Educational Communication and Technology


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How to Cite

Doboyou, J. T. ., and F. K. . Nyamu. “Analysis of the Ability Levels of Biology Teachers to Implement Inquiry-Based Approach in Secondary Schools in Kiambu County, Kenya”. Journal of Education, vol. 3, no. 3, Aug. 2023, pp. 19-34,


