Influence of Principals’ Access to Information and Communication Technology Infrastructure on Financial Management in Public Secondary Schools in Machakos County, Kenya


  • Mutisya, G. M Kenyatta University
  • Otieno, D., Kenyatta University
  • Kinyanjui, G. Kenyatta University


Principals’ Access, Information and Communication Technology, Infrastructure, Financial Management


Many organizations have adopted ICT to perform their daily activities. In educational institutions, ICT is used to improve performance. However, this has not been the case as some of the initial problems are still experienced today. This study sought to investigate the influence of principals’ access to information and communication technology on financial management in public secondary schools in Machakos County. The study was guided by the theory of the Technological Acceptance Model. The study adopted a descriptive research design, questionnaires and interview schedules were used to collect data. The study targeted 66 respondents which constitute 33 principals and 33 bursars. A purposive sampling technique was used to select the sample.  The data was analyzed using descriptive and inferential statistics.  The study established that principals had access to basic ICT infrastructure and this significantly influenced their use of ICT in financial management.  The study recommends that the government through MOE enhance wider access to ICT infrastructures in schools and principals to develop skills that will enable them to utilize more of the available ICT infrastructures.


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How to Cite

G. M, M. ., O. . D., and K. . G. “Influence of Principals’ Access to Information and Communication Technology Infrastructure on Financial Management in Public Secondary Schools in Machakos County, Kenya”. Journal of Education, vol. 3, no. 3, Oct. 2023, pp. 35-40,


