Classroom Assessment Methods and their Influence on Classroom Assessment in Early Years Education in Baringo County, Kenya


  • Mutai Jane Jepchumba Kenyatta University
  • Samson Kariuki Kenyatta University
  • Joel Mabonga Kenyatta University


Classroom Assessment Methods, Classroom Assessment, Early Years Education


The Kenyan Government reformed its 8-4-4 curriculum into a competency-based one (CBC) which emphasized classroom assessment. This would enhance skill acquisition in learners. To accomplish this aspiration, pedagogically skilled teachers were needed. However, several studies revealed that teachers couldn’t implement classroom assessment effectively. The study sought to establish classroom assessment methods and their influence on classroom assessment in early years education in Baringo County, Kenya. The study used a mixed method approach and cross-sectional descriptive survey research design. Quantitative and qualitative data collection methods were utilized. The instruments were a questionnaire, interview guide, and Focus Group Discussion. The target population was 700 public primary schools, 650 headteachers, 2800 EYE teachers, and 45 curriculum support officers. The study established that EYE teachers used written tests to assess all learners including learners of pre-primary (pp1 and pp2). This was contrary to the requirements of the Basic Education Curriculum Framework which required teachers of pre-primary level to avoid assessing learners using written tests thus posing a negative influence on classroom assessment. The study also revealed that EYE teachers had not guided their learners to develop showcase portfolios which negatively influenced classroom assessment aim of monitoring learners’ progress over time. It hindered the promotion of creativity among learners. The study recommends that EYE teachers teaching pp1 and pp2 should avoid assessing their learners using written tests as per the CBAF. Moreover, teachers of grades one, two, and three should also vary the assessment methods they use for classroom assessment rather than dwelling majorly on written tests. During pre-service teacher training, teachers should get adequate training on how to design assessment rubrics for different learning areas based on different assessment criteria and the difficulty index of the classroom assessment.

Author Biographies

Mutai Jane Jepchumba, Kenyatta University

Department of Educational Management, Policy and Curriculum Studies

Samson Kariuki, Kenyatta University

Department of Educational Management, Policy and Curriculum Studies

Joel Mabonga, Kenyatta University

Department of Educational Management, Policy and Curriculum Studies


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How to Cite

Jepchumba, M. J. ., S. . Kariuki, and J. . Mabonga. “Classroom Assessment Methods and Their Influence on Classroom Assessment in Early Years Education in Baringo County, Kenya”. Journal of Education, vol. 4, no. 3, May 2024, pp. 16-31,


