Parental Occupation and Parental Involvement in Education Among Public Day Secondary Schools in Moyale Sub-County, Marsabit County, Kenya


  • Madina Duba Guyo Kenya Methodist University
  • Dr. Severina Mwirichia Kenya Methodist University
  • Dr.Tarsilla Kibaara Kenya Methodist University


Parental occupation, Parental involvement, Education


Several obstacles have been proposed as potential roadblocks to parental involvement in schooling. This study sought to examine the influence of parental occupation on parental involvement in education among public day secondary schools in Moyale Sub-County, Marsabit County. This study used a descriptive cross-sectional design. The target population included 10 public day schools with a total enrollment of 1861 students. The sample size was 329 students, who were selected using simple random sampling. The findings indicated that parental occupation had a positive and significant relationship with parental involvement in education. The study concluded that parental occupation contributed significantly to parental involvement in education. The study recommended that school management should create awareness among parents about the role their occupation plays in their children’s education.  Parents should be able to strike a balance between work and getting involved in the education of their children.

Author Biographies

Madina Duba Guyo, Kenya Methodist University

Education Leadership and Management

Dr. Severina Mwirichia , Kenya Methodist University

Education Leadership and Management

Dr.Tarsilla Kibaara, Kenya Methodist University

Education Leadership and Management


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How to Cite

Guyo, M. D. ., D. S. . Mwirichia, and D. . Kibaara. “Parental Occupation and Parental Involvement in Education Among Public Day Secondary Schools in Moyale Sub-County, Marsabit County, Kenya”. Journal of Education, vol. 2, no. 1, May 2022, pp. 23-31,


