Assessment of Challenges Faced by Principals in the Implementation of the Competency-Based Curriculum in Public Primary Schools in Kenya: A Case of Kiambu County


  • Alice W. Waruingi African International University
  • Prof. Rosemary Mbogo African International University
  • Dr. Alice Mambo African International University


Challenges, Principal, Implementation of Competency-Based Curriculum, Public Primary Schools


Primary education is the foundation of further education. It is the core mandate of the government to provide quality free education to learners in public primary schools in Kenya. The envisaged goal of education is quality, equity, and access, in line with the vision 2030 policy document. Headteachers play a crucial role in ensuring quality education is achieved, especially at the foundation level in public primary schools. This study assessed the challenges faced by principals in the implementation of the competency-based curriculum in Kenyan public primary schools: a study of Kiambu county. The study adopted the inductive thematic content design. Purposive sampling was used to pick 15 principals and 15 deputies. The bulk of challenges that head teachers faced in implementing the curriculum changes were related to staff development, training, and availability of financial resources. It was established that there was a shortage of staff and the few who were left were strained in teaching the many learners. The quality of training for teachers was not to the required standards in line with CBC policy guidelines. Insufficient funds received from the government to support CBC hampered the implementation because it is costly and requires more financial investment to actualize. The study recommended that all different stakeholders, namely parents, government, and head teachers, should collaborate to devise a strategy for sourcing these resources to address school resource needs. The school administration could perhaps orchestrate financial support drives to gather support from all interested parties to come together and help raise money to facilitate the construction of laboratories and libraries in the school, as well as collect more funds to purchase and equip the libraries with not only adequate educational resources but also current ones.

Author Biography

Alice W. Waruingi, African International University

Curriculum and Instruction


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How to Cite

Waruingi, A. W. ., P. R. Mbogo, and D. A. . Mambo. “Assessment of Challenges Faced by Principals in the Implementation of the Competency-Based Curriculum in Public Primary Schools in Kenya: A Case of Kiambu County”. Journal of Education, vol. 2, no. 2, Aug. 2022, pp. 26-39,


