Management of Information Literacy Programmes in Selected Technical Training Institution Libraries in Nairobi County, Kenya


  • Mogere Nyakerario Vennah Kenyatta University
  • Dr. Martin Gichugu Kenyatta University


Management, Information Literacy Programmes, Technical Training Institution Libraries


Technical Training Institution Libraries are facing the challenge of managing information literacy programs. Also, there are limited information literacy programmes in Technical Institution Libraries. This study, therefore, sought to determine the management of information literacy programmes in selected Technical Training Institution Libraries in Nairobi County. The objectives were to establish the implementation strategies of information literacy programmes in selected technical institutional libraries; to establish how frequent information literacy programmes are reviewed in selected technical institutional libraries; to determine the perceptions of the implemented information literacy programmes amongst users in selected technical institutional libraries; to identify the major challenges associated with the implementation of information literacy programmes in selected technical institutional libraries. This study adopted a descriptive survey design. A total of 333 respondents comprising 5 librarians, 190 teaching staff, and 138 students from five selected Technical Training Institutions constituted the subjects for this study. The study established that Technical Institution Libraries were implementing various forms of strategies for information literacy; information literacy programmes are reviewed after every orientation process using a feedback form; important skills are acquired by the library patrons during information literacy training, and librarians were facing several challenges as they implemented information literacy programmes.

Author Biographies

Mogere Nyakerario Vennah , Kenyatta University

Department of Library and Information Science

Dr. Martin Gichugu, Kenyatta University

Department of Library and Information Science


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How to Cite

Vennah , M. N. ., and D. M. . Gichugu. “Management of Information Literacy Programmes in Selected Technical Training Institution Libraries in Nairobi County, Kenya”. Journal of Education, vol. 2, no. 2, Sept. 2022, pp. 50-69,


