Effect of Integrated Customs Management Systems (ICMS) on Customs Duty Performance in Nairobi County, Kenya
Integrated Customs Management Systems, Customs Duty PerformanceAbstract
Purpose: Tax is an important stream of revenue for government’s development projects and therefore all efforts must be made by governments to ensure that it is accurately and efficiently collected to facilitate the government’s operations. This study sought to determine the of integrated customs management system on factors affecting customs duty performance Nairobi County, Kenya. The theories supporting the study is comparative theory of international trade.
Methodology: The study employed explanatory research design. The target population of this study was 438 respondents comprising customs heads of departments, customs officers and customs agents at Embakasi Inland Depot, Nairobi. with a sample size of 209, out of which 173 respondents correctly filled the questionnaires and submitted them accordingly. The data collected was analyzed through descriptive and inferential statistics. A linear regression model was used.
Results: The coefficient study showed that a unit change in ICMS increases customs duty performance significantly β =0.205 p-value =0.000<0.05.
Conclusion: The study recommends that the KRA and the government of Kenya prioritize the continuous improvement of the Integrated Customs Management System (ICMS). Customs management should ensure full utilization of the ICMS by training customs officials and stakeholders, given its positive impact on duty performance. Future research may be carried out on the effects of tax incentives on Customs duty performance
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