How Public Library Information Resources Impact Maize Production in Laikipia East Sub-County, Kenya


  • Susaide Wangari Maina Kenya Methodist University
  • Paul Maku Gichohi Kenya Methodist University
  • Winfred Gatimu Riara University


Maize Production, Maize Information Resources, Maize Farming, Public Libraries, Agricultural Resources


Purpose: Kenya's economy is still based mostly on agriculture, with maize (Zea mays) being essential to rural populations' livelihoods and food security, especially in Laikipia East Sub-County. The problem was that maize farmers had a history of significant crop failure, as seen by the 12.8% drop in the total amount of maize harvested in 2023 over 2022. The goal of the current study is to ascertain how public libraries in Kenya's Laikipia East Sub County might improve maize production.  The purpose of this study is to investigate how the Laikipia East Sub-County's public library information resources affect the methods used in maize growing. The research was guided by the Information-seeking Behavior Theory.

Methodology: The survey method was utilized in this cross-sectional study. A population of 12,500 maize farmers from Laikipia East Sub-County was considered; where the simple random selection of 373 participants was taken as a sample for the study. A sample of 3 library staff was obtained from a population of 10 using a purposive sampling technique. Questionnaires and interview guides were used to collect the data. Mean and standard deviation were computed from data gathered through questionnaires, while, themes were identified from interview data.

Results: The findings reveal that while public libraries in Laikipia East Sub-County provide resources for maize farming, many farmers view these resources as outdated or insufficient, pointing out need for updated agricultural information, better digital resources, targeted training programs, and increased awareness of available library services. Public libraries in Laikipia East Sub-County provide valuable resources for maize farming, but there's a gap between available information and farmers' needs.

Conclusion: Libraries should update content, improve digital access, and tailor services to address farming challenges. The study recommends need for maize farmers to utilize digital resources from public libraries to enhance maize output and improve agricultural practices.


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How to Cite

Maina, S. W. ., Gichohi, P. M. ., & Gatimu, W. . (2024). How Public Library Information Resources Impact Maize Production in Laikipia East Sub-County, Kenya. Journal of Information and Technology, 4(2), 12–22. Retrieved from


