Implementation Process of the Training Policy and Professional Development of the Administration Police Officers in Isiolo County, Kenya
Implementation process, training policy, professional development, administration police officersAbstract
This study sought to examine how the implementation process of the training policy affects police professional development. The study was steered by Herzberg’s Theory. The study used stratified random sampling and a descriptive survey approach. Within Isiolo County, the target population was 300 Administration Police Officers. Four categories were used to classify the target population: Inspectorate members, Gazetted officers (GOs), Constables, and Noncommissioned officers (NCOs). There were 90 police officers in the sample. To gather the primary data, structured interview questions and secondary data from library research were used. The collected data was arranged according to the study questions and particular goals by coding, tabulating, and interpreting. The findings on how the implementation process of the training policy and professional police development relates, show that there was a positive and statistically significant effect of the implementation process of the training policy on the professional police development of Police officers (r=0.631; p<0.05). This showed that a unit change in the implementation process of the training policy leads to 63.1% change in professional police development among police officers. The study came to the following conclusions: standardize the learning delivery across all forces, particularly the initial learning for newly recruited officers; make basic training to develop knowledge and awareness mandatory for all police; institutionalize strategy-supportive practices and operating regulations throughout the organization. The study recommended that the Isiolo County CIPU Headquarters develop and implement effective training systems and that the curricula be enhanced to cover best practices to manage known vices and malpractices.
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