The Effects of Diaspora Remittances on Household Agro Farming in Kericho County, Kenya


  • Victor Sang Kenyatta University
  • Felix Kiruthu Kenyatta University



Diaspora Remittances, Households, Agro Farming, Livelihoods


The diaspora constitutes millions of people from developing countries living outside their country of birth. These people have migrated to other countries in search of better opportunities or as a result of socioeconomic and political challenges. As part of maintaining their connections with relatives in their home country, these migrants continuously send money to their families for support. Remittances channeled by persons living in the diaspora into their indigenous jurisdictions have become a source of capital in under-developing economies which have significantly enhanced socio-welfare as well presenting families with better opportunities for income generation. The current study sought to examine how these Diaspora remittances affect livelihoods in Kericho County. The study specifically examined the effects of diaspora remittances on household agro-farming and their subsequent effect on promotion of livelihoods in Kericho County Kenya. The focus of the study was the residents of Kericho County who are beneficiaries of diaspora remittances. The study was anchored on pure altruism and rational choice theories. A descriptive research design was employed. A total of 1393 households of the emigrants were targeted. From the target population, the study sampled 10% (139 respondents) who were selected using a convenience sampling technique. The study obtained a 98% response rate. The research findings showed that household agro-farming had a positive effect on the livelihood promotion within Kericho County at 92.2% (adjusted R2=0.922). The study concludes that diaspora remittances have a positive effect on the agro-farming aspects of livelihood promotion among residents of Kericho County who received them. The study thus concludes that diaspora remittances improved the economic lives of recipients by improving their agricultural productivity and giving them access to agro-products. The study recommends that there is need for the Kenyan government to work towards ensuring policies that ensures smooth flow of diaspora remittances and come up with ways of motivating and attracting remittances into Kenyan economy. The study also recommends that the Kenyan government comes up with interventions and incentives to encourage foreign remittances as it increases Agro Farmers disposable income and the utilize it to improve Agro farming. Finally, the study recommends that Kenyans living in Diaspora invest their income in their mother land by sending remittances.


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How to Cite

Sang , V., & Kiruthu, F. (2024). The Effects of Diaspora Remittances on Household Agro Farming in Kericho County, Kenya. Journal of Public Policy and Governance, 4(1), 1–13.


