The Influence of Online Tax Services on Service Delivery at Kenya Revenue Authority – Nakuru Station
Online Tax Services, Service Delivery, KRA, iTax and Taxpayer ComplianceAbstract
Purpose: This study examined the influence of Online Tax Services on service delivery at the Kenya Revenue Authority (KRA) Nakuru Station.
Methods: Utilizing a descriptive case study research design, the study targeted a population of 504 staff and customers at the station. A sample size of 287 was derived using Yamane’s (1967) formula.
Results: The findings reveal a moderate positive correlation (Pearson correlation coefficient of 0.538) between Online Tax Services and service delivery, indicating that improvements in the availability and functionality of these services are associated with better service delivery outcomes. Regression analysis further confirms that Online Tax Services significantly impact service delivery, with an unstandardized coefficient of 0.317 and a standardized coefficient of 0.271. This suggests that enhancing these services results in a moderate improvement in service delivery. Respondents also noted the benefits of reduced processing times, increased accuracy of tax assessments, and improved taxpayer compliance. However, concerns about staff training and readiness indicate a need for further capacity-building efforts to fully optimize the benefits of digitization.
Conclusion: The study concludes that while Online Tax Services positively influence service delivery, additional focus on staff engagement and system reliability is essential for sustained improvements.
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