Effect of National Government Administration Officers on Resolution of Land Inheritance Disputes in Nakuru County, Kenya
National Government Administration Officers, Land Inheritance Disputes, Nakuru CountyAbstract
Since independence, land disputes have remained contentious in Kenya; given that most of the population continues to depend on land for their livelihoods. Although the National Government Administration Officers (NGAO) are critical in solving the land conflict in Kenya, few scholarly studies have focused on their role. This study sought to assess the effect of NGAO in solving land inheritance disputes in Kuresoi South Sub-County, Nakuru County. The study was anchored on the Agency theory owing to the agency role of administrative officers. A descriptive research design was used in this study. The study's target population included area residents, the national administration officers, and other key informants such as county commissioners, civic leaders, senior security personnel; lands officers, and leaders of faith-based groups. The research used a purposive sampling technique and a sample of 384 respondents. Data was collected through structured and unstructured questionnaires and analysed through descriptive and thematic analyses. The findings indicated that NGAO enhanced the resolution of disputes about land inheritance primarily through awareness of land rights and land inheritance accountability issues. The study further observed that NGAO faced different challenges in their pursuit to reduce land-induced conflicts such as workload, lack of motivation owing to lack of incentives for the officers, and lack of cooperation from members of the Kuresoi- South Community. The policymakers might want to incentivize the role played by NGAO officers in promoting stability concerning land conflicts.
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