Social-Cultural Factors Influencing Female Under-Representation in the Management of Public Primary Schools in Rigoma Sub-County, Nyamira County, Kenya


  • Momanyi Ruth Moraa Kenya Methodist University
  • Dr. Esther Thuba Kenya Methodist University
  • Dr. Winfred K. Kithinji Kenya Methodist University


Social-cultural factors, female, under-representation, management, public primary schools


Various studies around the world show that the majority of public primary schools are headed by male teachers. Despite these observations, no systematic study has been conducted to identify the factors that contribute to this challenge, particularly in the sub-district of Nyamira. The purpose of this study was to investigate social-cultural factors influencing female under-representation in education management among teachers in Rigoma Sub-County. This study employs a descriptive research design. According to the study's findings, gender roles, culture, and conventional views all significantly contribute to the low presence of women in the field of education management. The study concluded that cultural problems led to the underrepresentation of women in education management among teachers. The study recommends increasing teachers' awareness of the impact of cultural factors in education to enable them to advance to leadership positions in schools.

Author Biographies

Momanyi Ruth Moraa, Kenya Methodist University

Department of Education

Dr. Esther Thuba , Kenya Methodist University

Department of Education

Dr. Winfred K. Kithinji, Kenya Methodist University

Department of Education


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How to Cite

Moraa, M. R. ., D. E. . Thuba, and D. W. K. . Kithinji. “Social-Cultural Factors Influencing Female Under-Representation in the Management of Public Primary Schools in Rigoma Sub-County, Nyamira County, Kenya”. Journal of Education, vol. 2, no. 3, Oct. 2022, pp. 21-30,


