Effect of Capacity Building of Teachers on Implementation of Performance Appraisal in Public Secondary Schools in Mbooni East Sub-County, Kenya


  • Waema S. Mumo Machakos University
  • Stephen Munguti Machakos University
  • Susan Nzioki Machakos University


Capacity Building, Performance Appraisal, Implementation


The purpose of this study was to establish the effect of capacity building of teachers on the implementation of performance appraisal in public secondary schools in Mbooni East Sub-County, Kenya. The study was based on the Expectancy Theory of Motivation and was conducted using a descriptive survey design. The target population was 47 Principals and 416 teachers in public secondary schools in Mbooni-East Sub-County. A sample of 19 Principals and 126 teachers was selected through both stratified and simple random sampling. Quantitative data was then analyzed using descriptive statistics. Qualitative data was categorized into themes in accordance with the research objective and presented in narrative form. The findings revealed that capacity building of teachers affected the implementation of performance appraisal in public secondary schools in Mbooni East Sub-County, Kenya. This was evidenced by the existence of capacity-building seminars and workshops in the schools where various stakeholders in the education sector participated in conducting the capacity-building programs both internal and external. The Ministry of Education should organize more workshops and seminars to sensitize teachers on the importance of performance appraisal and how to use the TPAD tool.  The Ministry should also engage teachers in public participation to ensure that they incorporate the required changes in the performance appraisal process to make it more productive.

Author Biographies

Waema S. Mumo, Machakos University

Department of Educational Management and Curriculum Studies

Stephen Munguti , Machakos University

Department of Educational Management and Curriculum Studies

Susan Nzioki, Machakos University

Department of Business and Finance


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How to Cite

S. Mumo, W. ., S. . Munguti, and S. . Nzioki. “Effect of Capacity Building of Teachers on Implementation of Performance Appraisal in Public Secondary Schools in Mbooni East Sub-County, Kenya”. Journal of Education, vol. 4, no. 2, Mar. 2024, pp. 1-9, https://edinburgjournals.org/journals/index.php/journal-of-education/article/view/249.


