Parental Involvement Influence on Education Participation for Learners with Hearing Impairments in Special Public Primary Schools in Meru and Isiolo Counties- Kenya


  • Purity Karegi Nthuku Kenya Methodist University
  • Dr. Tarsilla Kibaara M Kenya Methodist University
  • Dr. Timothy Kinoti M’Ngaruthi Embu University


Parental involvement, education participation, learners with hearing impairments


Globally need for education, as a measure of one's ability to function fully in today's society, is an important motivator for efforts to achieve the highest level of education in the world. The persistent under achievement of deaf students in Kenyan schools is of great concern as evidenced by final average scores in their formative and summative scores in their assessments. This study aimed to find out how parental involvement influences education participation for learners with hearing impairment. The study was guided by Maslows theory of motivation in learning. A phenomenological research design was utilized. The study targeted three primary schools handling learners with hearing impairments in Meru and Isiolo counties that is Kaaga, Njia, and Isiolo school for learners with hearing impairment. A thematic approach was used to analyze the qualitative data. The study revealed that parental involvement was minimal. Based on the study findings, collective effort should be made to sensitize the parents on their roles in the education of their children. Employers of parents of students with hearing impairments should be given days off with pay when going to attend to their children's issues in school like closing days, opening days, and clinic days for their children. The school should provide some incentives to parents like meals during the school meetings to help reduce parents’ expenses. The government should ensure tax waivers for parents of students with hearing impairments. The stakeholders should help change parental attitudes that their children will not make it.

Author Biographies

Purity Karegi Nthuku, Kenya Methodist University

Department of Education

Dr. Tarsilla Kibaara M, Kenya Methodist University

Department of Education

Dr. Timothy Kinoti M’Ngaruthi, Embu University

Department of Humanities


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How to Cite

Nthuku, P. K. ., D. T. K. M, and D. T. K. . M’Ngaruthi. “Parental Involvement Influence on Education Participation for Learners With Hearing Impairments in Special Public Primary Schools in Meru and Isiolo Counties- Kenya”. Journal of Education, vol. 4, no. 3, June 2024, pp. 32-50,


