The Strategies Adopted in Addressing the Challenges Facing the Girl Child Education in Liberia: A case of Arcelor Mittal School System, Yekepa Town


  • Corrie Wrepoandeh Bryant Africa International University
  • Dr. Florence Muthoni Mungathia Africa International University
  • Dr. Mercy Muthiga Mauki Africa International University


Strategies, challenges facing the girl child education, girl child education


The education of girls continues to be a concern in many parts of the world, including Liberia. In West Africa, the region where Liberia is located, it is widely thought that educating a girl child is unnecessary. Regardless of the differing viewpoints held by various individuals in different regions; education remains a basic human right based on the United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights. Particularly the girl child, who has been falling behind owing to a variety of causes like prejudice and negative traditions. This study aimed to explore the strategies adopted by the Arcelor Mittal School System (AMSS) in addressing the challenges facing girl child education. The objective of the study was to explore the strategies adopted in addressing the challenges facing girl child education by the Arcelor Mittal School System. The study was anchored on functionalism and symbolic interactionism theory. The research design was a mixed method and the researcher applied the case study approach for the qualitative component and the survey approach for the quantitative component. The study was conducted in Yekepa town, Nimba County, Republic of Liberia. Data was gathered by use of questionnaires and interview guides. Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) version 23 was used to analyze the quantitative data while web Qualitative Data Analysis (webQDA) was used to analyze the qualitative data. The study found that some of the strategies that AMSS employed were to employ more female teachers and offer education subsidies and scholarships to have the girls remain in school. The study recommended that the school should develop and expand scholarship programs tailored for girls, extending financial support to those who have been part of the school for an extended period. This could alleviate economic challenges and encourage long-term commitment; the government should make a collaborative effort to alleviate poverty as it is the underlying cause of the numerous challenges that the girl child faces in acquiring education. Finally, AMSS should continue fostering a sense of belonging through recognition and honors for high-performing girls and consider expanding initiatives that celebrate achievements, promoting a positive and inclusive school culture.

Author Biographies

Corrie Wrepoandeh Bryant, Africa International University

Department of Education

Dr. Florence Muthoni Mungathia, Africa International University

Department of Education


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How to Cite

Bryant, C. W. ., D. F. M. . Mungathia, and D. M. M. . Mauki. “The Strategies Adopted in Addressing the Challenges Facing the Girl Child Education in Liberia: A Case of Arcelor Mittal School System, Yekepa Town”. Journal of Education, vol. 4, no. 4, June 2024, pp. 25-37,


