Teaching-Learning Resources and Employability Skills Development of TVET Graduates in Meru County


  • Lucy Ndumba Mutembei Kenya Methodist University
  • Tarsilla Kibaara Kenya Methodist University
  • Paul Maku Gichohi Kenya Methodist University


Teaching-Learning Resources, Employability Skills, TVET Institutions, TVET Industry, TVET Graduates


TVET training requires adequate modern teaching-learning resources in order in the process of preparing graduates who match the industry's needs. Despite equipping TVETs with modern tools and equipment, the employability of TVET graduates remains low in Kenya including in Meru County. It is against this backdrop that the current study was carried out, investigating the influence of teaching-learning resources on development of employability skills of TVET graduates in Meru County. The Knight and Yorke Theory of Employability and Human Capital Theory informed the study. It was anchored on pragmatism philosophy, adopted a mixed-research approach, and used a convergent parallel research design. The target population comprised trainees, trainers, graduates, heads of departments (HoDs), principals, and key informants. The sample size of the study was 6 TVET institutions, 142 trainees, 12 trainers, 72 graduates, 12 HoDs, 6 Principals, and 5 Key Informants. Simple random sampling, census sampling, purposive sampling, stratified sampling, and referral sampling were used to select the participants. Questionnaires were administered to trainees, trainers, and graduates while interview guides were administered to Principals, HoDs, and Key Informants. Pre-testing was conducted to check the reliability and validity of the instruments. The study showed that teaching-learning resources had a moderate influence on development of employability skills. Moreover, it established that TVETs in Meru County lacked modern teaching-learning resources essential for instructional delivery and facilitation of hands-on learning that allow graduates to acquire practical skills relevant to the industries. The study recommends government to equip TVETs with adequate, relevant, and modern teaching-learning resources which are key in developing graduate employability skills aligned to the industry needs. The study further recommends that TVET management emphasize real-world simulations and practical training. The study advocates for enhanced government investment in modern instructional resources to better align graduate skills with industry needs.


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How to Cite

Mutembei, L. N. ., T. . Kibaara, and P. M. . Gichohi. “Teaching-Learning Resources and Employability Skills Development of TVET Graduates in Meru County”. Journal of Education, vol. 4, no. 6, July 2024, pp. 18-30, https://edinburgjournals.org/journals/index.php/journal-of-education/article/view/316.


