Work-Life Balance as A Moderator Between Teaching Competence Standards and Teachers’ Performance in Public Primary Schools in Igembe North Sub-County, Meru County


  • Harriet Karamana Gitonga Kenya Methodist University
  • Tarsila Kibaara Kenya Methodist University
  • Paul Maku Gichohi Kenya Methodist University


Work-life balance, TPAD, Teacher's performance, Performance management


The evaluative systems by TSC expect teachers to deliver good performance in every aspect of the teaching competence standards. However, the performance of primary school teachers has continued to raise concerns from different stakeholders, raising a question of whether the teaching competence standards are sufficient in explaining the annual teacher's performance or whether there are other issues such as the work-life balance that have a bearing on the teacher's performance outcome. This study assessed the moderating effect of the work-life balance on the relationship between the teaching competence standards and the teachers' performance in public primary schools in the Igembe North sub-county in Meru County. The descriptive survey research design was adopted. A sample size of 202 teachers, 14 headteachers, and one Sub-County Education Officer participated in the study. A proportionate simple random sampling technique was used in selecting teachers and headteachers, while the Sub-County Education Officer was purposively selected. Data was collected using questionnaires and an interview guide whose validity and reliability was verified. The mean, standard deviation, correlation, and regression analysis were used in analyzing the quantitative data, while thematic analysis was used on qualitative data. Most teachers had multiple roles with competing interests; hence, balancing work, family, personal, and community responsibilities was a daunting task. The work-life balance was found statistically significant in moderating the relationship between the teaching competence standards and the teacher's performance in public primary schools. The study recommends strengthening supportive systems on all three teaching competence standards and embracing work-life balance practices by the TSC. The TSC and principals should ensure that teachers of public primary schools have moderated work-related responsibilities and develop a workplace policy on work-life balance. The findings have enormous implications on organizational culture, leadership, and human resources management practices in public primary schools.

Author Biographies

Harriet Karamana Gitonga, Kenya Methodist University

Education Leadership and Management

Tarsila Kibaara , Kenya Methodist University

Education Leadership and Management

Paul Maku Gichohi, Kenya Methodist University

Education Leadership and Management


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How to Cite

Gitonga, H. K. ., T. . Kibaara, and P. M. . Gichohi. “Work-Life Balance As A Moderator Between Teaching Competence Standards and Teachers’ Performance in Public Primary Schools in Igembe North Sub-County, Meru County”. Journal of Education, vol. 2, no. 2, June 2022, pp. 12-25,




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