How Instructional Resources Influence the Performance of KCPE English Language in Kalokol Ward, Turkana Central Sub–County in Turkana County


  • Natebele, A. Ekai Kenya Methodist University
  • Nephat Kathuri Kenya Methodist University
  • Rebecca Wachira Kenya Methodist University


Instructional resources, Supplementary books, Performance of English language


The English language has continuously been adopted as the instructional media in most schools in developed and developing countries. The performance of English in the Kenya Certificate of Primary Education is critical because it influences the performance of the other subjects considering that they are written in English with an exception of Kiswahili. However, the performance of the English language in Kalokol ward, Turkana Central Sub County, Turkana County has continued to decline. This study aimed to investigate the school-based factors with a specific interest in instructional resources to determine their influence on KCPE English performance in the Kalokol ward. The study was guided by input-output theory. A descriptive survey research design was employed for the study. A population of 698 respondents from all 23 public primary schools was adopted. Respondents comprised all the head teachers, 73 teachers, and 23 class 7 pupils amounting to 101 respondents. A proportionate simple random sampling technique was adopted in selecting the English language teachers whereas a simple random sampling technique was used in selecting one learner from each school. The data for the study was gathered through questionnaires, interview schedules, and focused group discussions. The validity and reliability of the tools was checked before being used in the study. Qualitative data was analyzed through the thematic technique whereas quantitative data were analyzed through correlation analysis using SPSS. Results of the study indicated that there was a decline in KCPE English performance in the last 5 years which was attributed to inadequate supplementary instructional resources. The schools lacked purpose-built libraries, multimedia resources storybooks, and digital information resources. The study indicated a statically positive significant relationship between instructional resources and performance of the English language in KCPE. This indicated need for the Ministry of Education to supply adequate books and improve policy regarding budgetary allocation to public schools for the purchase of supplementary books.

Author Biographies

Natebele, A. Ekai, Kenya Methodist University

Education Management

Nephat Kathuri , Kenya Methodist University

Education Management

Rebecca Wachira, Kenya Methodist University

Education Management


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How to Cite

Ekai, N. A. ., N. . Kathuri, and R. . Wachira. “How Instructional Resources Influence the Performance of KCPE English Language in Kalokol Ward, Turkana Central Sub–County in Turkana County”. Journal of Education, vol. 2, no. 3, Sept. 2022, pp. 10-20,


