Effect of Strategic Leadership Practices on Institutional Performance. A Case of Christian Bilingual University of Congo


  • Bibuya Bwirabuli Viviane Africa International University
  • Caleb Odhiambo Onjure Africa International University
  • Eric Masinde Aseka Africa International University




Strategic leadership practices, institutional performance, strategic direction, human capital development, organizational culture, ethical practice, balanced strategic control


The study sought to examine the effect of strategic leadership practices on institutional performance – a case of Christian Bilingual University of Congo. The independent variable of the study includes strategic control, human capital, ethical practices, and balanced strategic control while institutional performance constitutes the dependent variable. The study used a quantitative research design. The accessible population was 32 employees of Christian Bilingual University of Congo. Data was collected using self-administered questionnaires. The study found that human capital development affects institutional performance insignificantly. Christian universities do not achieve their optimal institutional performance. However, Strategic Control promotes Institutional Performance, and the work plans address the organization’s objectives, targets, indicators, strategies, timelines, monitoring, and budget.  The study concluded that Christian universities are not carefully evaluating openly the capacity required for their programs, services, and activities. They lack known procedures for selection and prioritization of training components based on the defined assumptions. The study has recommended that the Christian universities in Congo should re-engineer their approach to human capital development so that they may meet their objectives and mission and have qualified and better-equipped people who will move forward as they have the knowledge and they can use it for the advancement of the institution.

Author Biographies

Bibuya Bwirabuli Viviane, Africa International University

Organizational Leadership

Caleb Odhiambo Onjure, Africa International University

Organizational Leadership

Eric Masinde Aseka, Africa International University

Organizational Leadership


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How to Cite

Viviane, B. B. ., Onjure, C. O. ., & Aseka, E. M. . (2023). Effect of Strategic Leadership Practices on Institutional Performance. A Case of Christian Bilingual University of Congo. Human Resource and Leadership, 3(1), 12–28. https://doi.org/10.70619/vol3iss1pp12-28


