Influence of Strategic Human Capital Development on the Performance of Tourism Organizations in Tanzania


  • Gervas Abel Mweta Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and Technology
  • Mwirigi Kiula Kenyatta University Teaching, Referral & Research Hospital (KUTRRH)
  • Susan Naikuru Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and Technology


Human Capital development, Performance, Tourism Industry in Tanzania


Purpose: The study aimed to determine the influence of strategic human capital development on the performance of tourism organizations in Tanzania.

Methodology: The study employed cross-sectional survey design to achieve the objective. The target population of this study included private and public tourism-related organizations with their umbrella organizations such as Government boards, Authorities, and Associations. A total number of registered and licensed tourism organizations that had more than 10 years was 1005. The researcher sampled 280 respondents from 140 organizations that included all categories established in this study. Data was collected using both primary and secondary procedures which were analyzed by statistical tools aided by the SPSS program. Reliability of the questions was done by use of Cronbach’s alpha where the adequate threshold was considered. A normality test was done for dependent variable to aid subsequent analysis. Factor analysis was also done to reduce the qualitative data to a meaningful size. Logit model analysis was used to understand the relationship between the independent variables and dependent variables.

Results: Logistic regression model was statistically significant, χ2(1) = .747, p < .05. Results revealed that strategic human capital plays a sensitive role in influencing the tourism performance in organizations.

Conclusion: The study concluded that human capital plays a contributory role in the performance of tourism in the country. It was expected that strategic human capital will play a unique role in growth of revenue in the organization hence return on investment is realized. Therefore, the results marked a strong relationship that exists between strategic human capital and the performance of tourism in Tanzania.

Author Biography

Gervas Abel Mweta, Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and Technology

Department of Entrepreneurship, Technology, Leadership and Management


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How to Cite

Mweta, G. A. ., Kiula, M. ., & Naikuru, S. (2024). Influence of Strategic Human Capital Development on the Performance of Tourism Organizations in Tanzania. Human Resource and Leadership, 4(3), 1–18. Retrieved from


