Influence of E-Procurement on Supply Chain Management Performance in Kisii County


  • Delvin Rasugu Kisii University


E-Procurement, Supply Chain Management Performance, E-tendering, E-invoicing, E-payment


The study sought to investigate the influence of e-procurement on supply chain management performance in Kisii County. The research adopted descriptive research design. The target population in this study was 40 County Government employees. The study employed the use of primary sources of data where the researcher used questionnaires. Quantitative data was analyzed through the use of frequency distribution, mean scores and standard deviations. Chi-Square test was used to determine whether there is significant association between the study variables. From the chi-square test, the study concluded that there is a positive and significant association between dependent variable (supply chain management performance) and the independent variable (e-procurement). This means that e-tendering, e-invoicing and e-payment have a positive and significant influence on supply chain management performance. The study recommended that institution should provide the supplier with access credentials for the supplier portal. This will increase users’ access to information in the e-procurement (electronic procurement) service with effective internet and thus an increase in chances of selecting the best supplier company for e-tendering. The system should enhance government financial controls and improve accounting, recording and reporting through proper systems of invoicing with regard to both the supplier and the institution. Automated procurement process should be specific with requisition, tendering, contract warding and payment. The goal of the e-procurement in the institution should be to enhance the quality of public service delivery in the county and to provide timely, transparent and accurate financial and accounting information across both national and county government.

Author Biography

Delvin Rasugu, Kisii University

Department of Procurement and Supply Chain


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How to Cite

Rasugu, D. . (2021). Influence of E-Procurement on Supply Chain Management Performance in Kisii County. Journal of Procurement &Amp; Supply Chain, 1(1), 54–61. Retrieved from


