The Influence of Information Technology on Firm Performance; The mediating and Moderating Role of Supply Chain Collaboration and Market Turbulence among Food Processing Industries in Ghana
Information Technology, Supply Chain Collaboration, Market Turbulence, Firm Performance, Food Processing IndustryAbstract
Purpose: This study focused on the influence of Information Technology (IT) on Firm Performance with boundary conditions of mediating and moderating the role of Supply Chain Collaboration (internal and external) and Market Turbulence among Food Processing Industries in Ghana.
Methods: Quantitative research approach was applied in this study focusing on SMEs from four regions in Ghana (Accra, Ashanti, Eastern and Bono). Stratified random sampling technique was employed to come out with a total sample size of 400 participants constituting CEOs, senior managers and divisional heads of FPIs.
Results: Findings from the study suggested that IT usage positively and significantly affect the FPI performance, especially through supply chain collaboration. Market turbulence was found to exert moderating effect on IT usage and supply chain collaboration.
Conclusion: It has been said that performance enhancement of the FPI SMEs can be possible through IT adoption, the influence of collaborative efforts of other SC partners especially firms operating in an unstable market (like Ghana) require strong SCC to improve their performance.
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