Influence of Financial Accountability on Organizational Performance: A Case Study of Ndolo DCC Church
Financial accountability, organizational performance, financial transparency, financial management knowledge, financial attitudeAbstract
The study is aimed at assessing how financial accountability influences the organizational performance of Ndolo DCC. A mixed research method was used where a collection of both qualitative and quantitative data was done. Its target population was 42 participants, from which quantitative used 33 participants and qualitative 9 participants. The collection of data was undertaken using questionnaires for quantitative data and interview schedules for qualitative data. The analysis of the data was done using Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPPS) version 23 on the quantitative data and the QDA Miner version 2.3. The data presentation was done using figures and tables. Regression of coefficients showed that financial transparency and organizational performance had a positive and significant relationship (β=0.228, p=0.026). Further results showed that financial management knowledge and organizational performance had a positive and significant relationship (β=0.304, p=0.035). Further results showed that financial attitude and organizational performance had a positive and significant relationship (β=0.450, p=0.005). A recommendation has been done to the leadership of Ndolo DCC church to make sure they are committed to the allocation of funds to the core functions and operations of the church. It was further recommended that to be good stewards of God’s resources, finances should be only spent on core matters of the church. The study recommended that the church leadership of Ndolo DCC should establish a proper accounting department and ensure that they are putting proper records on how the funds are spent and used. Further, the leadership of Ndolo DCC church should put in place clear mechanisms for reporting the financial position of the church. More so the leadership should deliberately put measures in place to increase financial knowledge by participating in training and workshops. They should also make a deliberate effort to minimize risks to the church funds by making well-thought investments and also ensures that church money is spent on needs that are adding value to the kingdom of God. This will enable the church to be financially viable.
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