Assessment of Depressive Symptoms Severity among Secondary School Adolescents in Kiambu County, Kenya


  • Theresia Wangari Ngata Kenyatta University
  • Eunice Njeri Mvungu Kenyatta University


Depressive symptoms, severity, adolescents


Depressive symptoms have different levels of severity such as mild, chronic as well as acute. The symptoms may lead to feelings of hopelessness, emptiness, sadness, and helplessness. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the severity of depressive symptoms that are manifested by secondary school students in Kiambu County. The targeted population was secondary school adolescents in Kiambu County. Data was collected using standardized instruments. The adolescent depressive symptoms severity was assessed using the Patient Health Questionnaire-9: Modified for Teens (PHQ-9: teens). The findings on the severity of depressive symptoms manifested by the adolescents revealed that 38.6% of students had mild depression, 24.2% had minimal depression, 20% had moderate depression, 13.3% had moderately severe depression and 3.9% had severe depression. The study recommends the need for the Ministry of Education to hire counselors and psychologists to provide mental health services in secondary schools. This will assist students in managing depressive symptoms. The study further recommends that school management introduce programs aimed at bringing parents and students together to discuss family issues affecting student’s mental health.

Author Biographies

Theresia Wangari Ngata , Kenyatta University

Department of Psychology

Eunice Njeri Mvungu, Kenyatta University

Department of Psychology


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How to Cite

Ngata , T. W. ., & Mvungu, E. N. . (2023). Assessment of Depressive Symptoms Severity among Secondary School Adolescents in Kiambu County, Kenya. Journal of Sociology, Psychology and Religious, 3(3), 13–21. Retrieved from


