Beyond Spouses' Imprisonment: Expectations of Non-incarcerated Female Partners of Inmates at Nigeria's Agodi-Ibadan Medium Correctional Facility


  • Christian Matthew Adetunji Pan Africa Christian University-Kenya
  • Esther Wangari Gachuri Pan Africa Christian University-Kenya
  • Jane Njango Wanjao Pan Africa Christian University-Kenya


Incarceration, lived experiences, personal-iceberg, phenomenology, support system


The purpose of this study is to look into the connection between unmet needs and the effects they have on non-incarcerated partners. Semi-structured interviews were conducted with female spouses of incarcerated individuals at Nigeria's Agodi-Ibadan medium correctional facility. The study evaluated the lived experiences of ten participants using Satir's personal iceberg metaphor model as the theory and an interpretative phenomenology approach. Based on the research objectives, the study indicates that the participants' own expectations, as well as those of their spouses, as well as unmet expectations from their support system and society, have a significant impact on the effects of their partners' incarceration on them. The report provides policymakers, specialists, religious leaders, and community leaders with recommendations.

Author Biographies

Christian Matthew Adetunji, Pan Africa Christian University-Kenya

Psychology Department

Esther Wangari Gachuri, Pan Africa Christian University-Kenya

Psychology Department

Jane Njango Wanjao, Pan Africa Christian University-Kenya

Psychology Department


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How to Cite

Adetunji, C. M. ., Gachuri, E. W. ., & Wanjao, J. N. (2024). Beyond Spouses’ Imprisonment: Expectations of Non-incarcerated Female Partners of Inmates at Nigeria’s Agodi-Ibadan Medium Correctional Facility. Journal of Sociology, Psychology and Religious, 4(1), 42–53. Retrieved from


