Women’s Empowerment as a Christian Strategy for Poverty Alleviation in Africa


  • Rukundo Jean Pierre Methode Africa International University


Gender equality, women’s empowerment, poverty alleviation, human dignity


This article argues that women’s empowerment and gender promotion are among the key strategies for poverty alleviation in Africa. This paper uses Rwanda as a case study to demonstrate the role women can play in poverty alleviation. The main argument made is that the church in Africa has embraced and condoned the African patriarchal systems and has taken part in women’s oppression which contribute to poverty in African societies. The failure to empower women limits their contribution to leadership and economic transformation in church and society. The methodology used in this paper is a hybrid between Critical correlation and Pastoral circle through consultative meetings, focus group discussions, and structured interviews. The research approach used is qualitative. The findings of the investigation show that the church has some theological principles and practices that mar the image and the dignity of women and hinder their complete emancipation and their full participation in poverty alleviation. The paper advocates for churches’ review of its theology and patriarchal church leadership and biblical reading which undermine women and to opt for intentional empowerment of women and gender promotion as strategies for poverty alleviation.

Author Biography

Rukundo Jean Pierre Methode, Africa International University

Theology and Development


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How to Cite

Methode, R. J. P. . (2024). Women’s Empowerment as a Christian Strategy for Poverty Alleviation in Africa. Journal of Sociology, Psychology and Religious, 4(2), 53–70. Retrieved from https://edinburgjournals.org/journals/index.php/journal-of-sociology/article/view/276


