The Relationship Between Effective Leadership and Emotional Intelligence in Communication Sector in Kenya


  • Loise Munyambu University of Wales



Emotional Intelligence, Effective Leadership, organization performance


For the success of any organisation, there's a need for effectiveleadership for prosperity and continuity. In the early and contemporaryleadership theories, they both entail traits that an effective leader shouldportray. Leaders should also have emotional intelligence (EI) in anyorganisation structure. Leaders must understand their emotions and need toknow how to manage their emotions before they can manage the emotions of others to achieve the organisational goals. UnderstandhowEIcanbeusedtodevelopmentof leadersandEI isneeded inleadership. The literature review of theoretical and empirical studies demonstratesthat how EI competencies have positively linked to effective leadership andorganisational performance. The purpose of the study was to explore therelationship between effective leadership and the emotional intelligencecommunication sector in Kenya. The specific objectives are to establish thecorrelation between emotional intelligence (EI) and effective leadership in thesector and to identify the measure of emotional intelligence level among theleaders in the communication sector in Kenya where the participants werederived. The findings of the survey showed that the correlation between EQ andeffective leadership was positive and it improved the overall organisationperformance.


Author Biography

Loise Munyambu , University of Wales

Business Psychology


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How to Cite

Munyambu , L. (2024). The Relationship Between Effective Leadership and Emotional Intelligence in Communication Sector in Kenya. Journal of Sociology, Psychology and Religious, 4(3), 24–43.


