Impact of Discipleship Strategies on Spiritual Transformation of Members in Selected Redeemed Gospel Churches in Kangundo District, Machakos County


  • Francisca Wavinya Ngala African International University


Discipleship strategies, spiritual transformation, mentoring strategy, modeled Christlikeness strategy


The purpose of the study was to determine the discipleship strategies that enhance the spiritual transformation of members in selected Redeemed Gospel churches in Kangundo District, Machakos County. The researcher adopted the descriptive survey design. The Redeemed Gospel Church in Kangundo District has a total of about 70 churches with an estimated population of over 10,000 members. The researcher targeted a sample of 30% of the 70 churches in the District. This gave a sample size of 21 churches. Data was collected using questionnaires. The Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS) was used to analyze data. The researcher performed t – tests for independent samples to look for possible differences between the means of the members who have been discipled through exposure to the four discipleship strategies believed to enhance spiritual transformation and those that have not been exposed to those strategies. been involved in a mentoring relationship with a mature Christian, either currently or in the past. This is expected to enhance their spiritual growth and transformation. Further, results revealed that majority of the Redeemed Gospel Church members have had teacher/teachers who role model Christlikeness. This is expected to enhance their spiritual growth and transformation. In addition, results showed that majority of the Redeemed Gospel Church members have gone through a formal discipleship curriculum. This is expected to boost their spiritual growth and transformation. Lastly, majority of the Redeemed Gospel Church members have had an opportunity to be part of a small group fellowship. This means that majority of the members have had spiritual accountability partners, which is likely to enhance their spiritual growth and transformation. From the findings, the study recommended the churches should enhance their mentorship programs aimed at enhancing spiritual transformation among the members. In addition, the church should develop a formal discipleship curriculum purposely for the new believers. This will give them an opportunity to learn about Christian life and how one is expected to live.

Author Biography

Francisca Wavinya Ngala, African International University

Department of Education


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How to Cite

Wavinya Ngala, F. (2021). Impact of Discipleship Strategies on Spiritual Transformation of Members in Selected Redeemed Gospel Churches in Kangundo District, Machakos County. Journal of Sociology, Psychology and Religious, 1(1), 26–39. Retrieved from


