Service Differentiation Strategy and Performance of Cement Manufacturing Companies in Kenya


  • Carolyne Midecha Mung’asia Kenyatta University
  • Maina Rugami Kenyatta University



Service differentiation strategy, performance, cement manufacturing companies


Cement companies in Kenya have had a dwindling sales performance between 2016 to 2019 despite the construction sector flourishing. This has caused some companies to go into receivership while others recorded a profit warning.  This study sought to determine the effect of service differentiation strategy on performance of cement manufacturing companies in Kenya. The study was guided by the resource-based theory and adopted a descriptive survey design. Target population comprised 375 employees of cement companies. The respondents’ sample was reached by calculating 30% of the total population to bring a total of 112 employees.  Questionnaires were the data collection instrument.  Data analysis was arrived at through descriptive statistics and correlation analysis. Results showed that service differentiation (r=0.682, p=0.000) was positively and significantly correlated with performance of cement companies. The study concluded that service differentiation increases company efficiency as well as company loyalty. The study recommends that the companies’ management should devise steps and directives that will ensure effective implementation of feedback received on service improvement.

Author Biographies

Carolyne Midecha Mung’asia , Kenyatta University

Strategic Management 

Maina Rugami, Kenyatta University

Strategic Management 


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How to Cite

Mung’asia , C. M. ., & Rugami, M. (2022). Service Differentiation Strategy and Performance of Cement Manufacturing Companies in Kenya. Journal of Strategic Management, 2(2), 56–65.


