Organizational Strategic Change and Performance of NCBA Bank in Mombasa County, Kenya


  • Joy Rinya Murithi Kenyatta University
  • Dr. Lawrence Wainaina Kenyatta University



Organizational strategic change, organizational performance, NCBA Bank


Kenya’s banking sector has contributed significantly to the growth and development of the economy. However, there has been a steady decline in banks' financial results as reflected in their profit margins. As a result, the goal of this research is to see how organizational strategic change affects NCBA performance in Mombasa County, Kenya. The study employed a descriptive research design targeting 11 branches of NCBA bank in Mombasa County. The unit of observation included managers from the following departments: human resources, marketing, finance, operations, and information technology. Given the small size of the target population, a census of all 11 branches of NCBA bank in Mombasa County was conducted. Correlation analysis was used to determine the relationship between variables. Results indicated that organizational strategic change had a positive and substantial association with the performance of NCBA banks (r=0.699, p=0.000). The study concluded that strategic changes and the performance of NCBA banks were positively and substantially related. The study recommended that banks implement strategic reforms to improve their performance. Bank managers should adopt proper strategies for implementing change as well as make their employees aware of the changes.

Author Biographies

Joy Rinya Murithi , Kenyatta University

Strategic Management

Dr. Lawrence Wainaina, Kenyatta University

Strategic Management


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How to Cite

Murithi , J. R. ., & Wainaina, D. L. . (2022). Organizational Strategic Change and Performance of NCBA Bank in Mombasa County, Kenya. Journal of Strategic Management, 2(2), 66–75.


