Effects of Product Diversification Strategy on Supply Chain Performance of Delmonte Kenya


  • Muthiani Francisca Syokau University of Nairobi


Product diversification strategy, supply chain performance, Delmonte Kenya Limited


The purpose of the study was to establish the effects of product diversification on supply chain performance of Delmonte Kenya. The research design employed in this study was descriptive research design. The target population for this study was 44 management employees of Delmonte. The study adopted census approach since the population of the study was small. Therefore, the total number of respondents to be selected was 44. Primary data was collected using semi structured questionnaires. The findings revealed that there was a significant association between product diversification and supply chain performance of Delmonte Kenya. The findings were also supported by the statements in the questionnaire which majority of the respondents agreed. This was also supported by the regression results which revealed that product diversification and supply chain performance were positively and significantly related. Based on the research findings, the study recommends that managerial departments of the company, particularly the IT department should consider the adoption of new technology and employment of skillful and competent personnel who will ensure constant and updated market information flow in to the company for market decision making. The study also recommended that the management should consider the aspect of job satisfaction of the staff.

Author Biography

Muthiani Francisca Syokau, University of Nairobi

Strategic management 


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How to Cite

Francisca Syokau, M. . (2021). Effects of Product Diversification Strategy on Supply Chain Performance of Delmonte Kenya. Journal of Strategic Management, 1(1), 25–31. Retrieved from https://edinburgjournals.org/journals/index.php/journal-of-strategic-management/article/view/47


