Effect of the School Organizational Politics on Performance among Secondary Schools in Buuri Sub-County, Meru County


  • Salat Godana Kenya Methodist University
  • Nancy Rintari Kenya Methodist University




Organizational Politics, Performance, Secondary Schools


The purpose of the study was to determine the effect of organizational politics on the performance among secondary schools in Buuri sub-county; Meru County. The study was anchored on the agency theory and adopted a descriptive survey research design. Results indicated a negative and significant association between organizational politics and performance of learning institutions. From the findings, the study concluded that organization politics has a negative and significant effect on the performance of secondary schools in Buuri sub-county; Meru County. The study recommends the need for the secondary schools to restructure their politics. In particular, they should avoid conflict between schools board members, school leadership, parents and other education stakeholders, school community should not be divided along political line, appointment of school authority should be politicized and school sponsors should not introduce politics in schools. 

Author Biographies

Salat Godana , Kenya Methodist University

Strategic Management

Nancy Rintari, Kenya Methodist University

Strategic Management


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How to Cite

Godana , S. ., & Rintari, N. (2021). Effect of the School Organizational Politics on Performance among Secondary Schools in Buuri Sub-County, Meru County. Journal of Strategic Management, 1(1), 32–41. https://doi.org/10.70619/vol1iss1pp32-41


