Effect of Marketing Diversification Strategy on Supply Chain Performance of Delmonte Kenya


  • Francisca Muthiani Syokau University of Nairobi
  • Jerusha Kimani University of Nairobi


Marketing diversification strategy, Supply chain performance, Delmonte Kenya limited


The study intended to establish the influence of marketing diversification strategy on supply chain performance, a case of Delmonte Kenya limited. The research design employed in this study was descriptive research design. The target population for this study was 44 management employees of Delmonte. These comprised of top managers, line managers and supervisors who are directly involved in the supply chain process. The study adopted census approach since the population of the study was small. The results revealed that marketing diversification and supply chain performance were positively and significantly related. The study also concluded that the company carries out extensive market diversification and also values partnerships and joint ventures which enhances the competitiveness of the firm. This has been done on regular basis considering extensive marketing research that gives the internal operational departments the necessary knowledge/information on the products needed in the right segments of the market. The study recommends that the management should also consider training and induction of the present and newly recruited staff in order to ensure high quality operations in the company. This will be a big boost to the performance of the company and ensure to maintain and increase the customer base for future of the business.

Author Biographies

Francisca Muthiani Syokau, University of Nairobi

Strategic Management

Jerusha Kimani , University of Nairobi

Strategic Management 


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How to Cite

Muthiani Syokau, F., & Kimani , J. . (2021). Effect of Marketing Diversification Strategy on Supply Chain Performance of Delmonte Kenya. Journal of Strategic Management, 1(1), 42–48. Retrieved from https://edinburgjournals.org/journals/index.php/journal-of-strategic-management/article/view/49


