Relationship between Teacher Involvement in Management of Physical Resources and Leadership Style in Secondary Schools in Uasin Gishu County, Kenya


  • Rose E Langat Kenya Methodist University
  • Wilson Muema Kenya Methodist University
  • Lucy Ikiara Kenya Methodist University


Teacher involvement, management of physical resources, distributed leadership style


The study established the effect of teacher involvement in management of physical resources on distributed leadership style in secondary schools in Uasin Gishu County, Kenya. The study employed a descriptive research design to collect data from 25 public secondary schools with 375 teachers in Ainabkoi Sub-County, Uasin Gishu County, Kenya. The study conducted descriptive analysis (frequencies, percentages, and mean) and inferential statistics (correlation and regression weight analysis to test hypothesis and model of the study respectively). Pearson correlation indicated that teacher involvement in physical resources management had a positive and significant relationship with distributive leadership style (r =.671, p = .000<.05). The study concluded that teacher involvement in physical resources management had a positive and significant influence on teachers’ willingness to develop distributive leadership skills. The implication is that teacher involvement in physical resources management has the likelihood of increasing their willingness to distributive leadership skills. The study recommends that public secondary schools’ management should involve teachers in physical resources management. In particular, teachers should be involved in the maintenance and purchase of instructional materials, management of inventory of equipment, and review of school’s strategic planning.

Author Biographies

Rose E Langat, Kenya Methodist University

Leadership and Education Management

Wilson Muema, Kenya Methodist University

Leadership and Education Management

Lucy Ikiara, Kenya Methodist University

Leadership and Education Management


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How to Cite

Langat, R. E. ., W. Muema, and L. . Ikiara. “Relationship Between Teacher Involvement in Management of Physical Resources and Leadership Style in Secondary Schools in Uasin Gishu County, Kenya”. Journal of Education, vol. 3, no. 2, Aug. 2023, pp. 20-29,


