Influence of Teaching-Learning Resources on Academic Performance among Public Primary Schools in Laikipia West Sub-County


  • Josphine Muthoni Thuranira Kenya Methodist University
  • Lucy Ikiara Kenya Methodist University
  • Esther Thuba Kenya Methodist University


Teaching-learning resources, Academic performance, Public primary schools


Kenya's government implemented free primary education in 2003 as part of its attempts to attain universal primary education. Despite these attempts, worries about educational quality have grown over the years. The research looked into the influence of teaching-learning resources on pupil performance in Laikipia West Sub-County public primary schools. The study employed a descriptive survey design. The target population was 490 teachers from 49 public primary schools in Laikipia West Sub County. A sample size of 220 teachers was selected using a simple random sampling method. The researcher also sampled 10 head teachers. Semi-structured questionnaires and interview guides were used to obtain primary data. Thematic content analysis was used to examine qualitative data, while quantitative data was analyzed using descriptive and inferential statistics. The association between teaching and learning resources and pupils' academic performance was determined using correlation analysis. The findings indicated that teaching-learning resources had a positive and significant influence on pupils’ performance in public primary schools. The study recommended the need for the government of Kenya through the Ministry of Education to provide sufficient teaching-learning resources to public primary schools and also to provide sufficient teachers to public primary schools to ensure improved academic performance.

Author Biographies

Josphine Muthoni Thuranira, Kenya Methodist University

Education in Leadership and Management

Lucy Ikiara , Kenya Methodist University

Education in Leadership and Management

Esther Thuba, Kenya Methodist University

Education in Leadership and Management


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How to Cite

Thuranira, J. M. ., L. . Ikiara, and E. . Thuba. “Influence of Teaching-Learning Resources on Academic Performance Among Public Primary Schools in Laikipia West Sub-County”. Journal of Education, vol. 2, no. 3, Sept. 2022, pp. 1-9,


