Institutional Social Support and Stress Experiences by Graduate Students in Selected Christian Universities in Kenya


  • Daniel Mukiti Mathuva Africa International University
  • Dankit Nassiuma Africa International University
  • Rosemary Mbogo Africa International University


Social support, Scholarships, stress experience, teamwork


Students are often confronted with academic challenges that cause stress leading to manifestations of mental problems which often cause them to drop out of their studies. This study was aimed at determining the relationship between institutional social support and stress experiences among graduate students in selected Christian universities in Kenya. A sample of 142 graduate students was selected proportionately from four Christian universities in Kenya for the study. The results showed that there was lack of enough institutional financial, spiritual and emotional support, as well as lack of a framework to build teamwork among graduate students. These factors were causing stress among the students and negatively affecting them. The study results lead to the recommendation for the need for learning institutions to develop a financial framework through scholarships as well as emotional and spiritual support mechanisms through chaplaincy and other services. The study further recommends that graduate students should be assisted and encouraged to embrace teamwork in their studies.

Author Biographies

Daniel Mukiti Mathuva, Africa International University

Department of Education

Dankit Nassiuma, Africa International University

Department of Education

Rosemary Mbogo, Africa International University

Department of Education


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How to Cite

Mathuva, D. M. ., D. . Nassiuma, and R. . Mbogo. “Institutional Social Support and Stress Experiences by Graduate Students in Selected Christian Universities in Kenya”. Journal of Education, vol. 4, no. 3, May 2024, pp. 1-8,


