Impact of Chaplaincy Programs in Deterring Students’ Unrest in Secondary Schools in Kenya: An Assessment of Selected Africa Inland Church Christian Sponsored Boarding Secondary Schools in Nandi County
Chaplaincy Programs, Students’ Unrest, Secondary Schools, Africa Inland ChurchAbstract
The study assessed the impact of the chaplaincy program in deterring unrest in secondary schools in Nandi County. This has been motivated by the persistent media reports of unrest and indiscipline in secondary schools, a fact that projects a grim picture that Kenyan schools are not as safe havens as thought. The study was based on the Chaos Theory which offers lessons for managing periods of extreme instability in a system. The researcher used a mixed-method approach. Phenomenological and descriptive survey designs were employed. Purposive sampling techniques were used to determine the sample size. Data obtained was analyzed both quantitatively and qualitatively. The study confirmed that chaplaincy programs if implemented and done correctly, are effective in influencing student behavior toward deterring unrest. The R2 and adjusted R2 values of 0.769 and 0.787 respectively both indicated that over 70% of the variance in the dependent variable can be explained by the regression model. The t-test results for the individual regression coefficient were as follows: Chaplaincy programs (t =10, p < .05) and unrest (t = 20, p < .05) indicating that the variables were statistically significant at 0.05 levels. In light of these findings, it is recommended that the Government of Kenya should emphasize the recruitment of school chaplains and equip them adequately to effect, monitor, and evaluate the implementation of chaplaincy programs.
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