Rethinking Higher Education in Africa: Benefits of Formative Feedback in Enhancing Student Learning


  • Edward Aligula Africa International University


Formative assessment, formative feedback, higher education, student learning


Formative feedback plays a crucial role in enhancing the quality of student learning in higher education. This study presents a comprehensive exploration of the benefits of formative feedback in higher education, utilizing a literature review methodology. Drawing on the social-cultural learning theory and Kolb’s reflective learning models, the study reviews empirical research. The findings from the literature analysis reveal that formative feedback significantly improves students' understanding of course material, fosters a more active learning environment, and promotes self-regulated learning. Despite the clear advantages, the study also acknowledges challenges such as time constraints and the need for professional development to effectively implement formative feedback. Formative feedback, distinguished by its ongoing nature and focus on actionable insights, is examined for its role in enhancing student learning outcomes. The study concludes with practical recommendations for educators and institutions, advocating for the integration of formative feedback as a standard practice to support student learning. This research underscores the transformative potential of formative feedback in higher education and calls for ongoing exploration to further optimize its application.

Author Biography

Edward Aligula, Africa International University

Education Department


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How to Cite

Aligula, E. . “Rethinking Higher Education in Africa: Benefits of Formative Feedback in Enhancing Student Learning”. Journal of Education, vol. 4, no. 5, June 2024, pp. 23-34,


