Enhancing Quality Learning in East African Higher Education: Towards a Common Understanding of Formative Feedback


  • Edward Aligula Africa International University


Formative feedback, faculty perspectives, student perspectives, higher education, East Africa


The quest for enhancing quality learning in higher education across East Africa necessitates a cohesive understanding of what formative feedback is and how it can be used to promote student learning. This study explores how formative feedback is understood as it relates to improving student learning outcomes within the East African higher education context. By synthesizing existing policies and conducting qualitative analyses of current practices, the research identifies key challenges and opportunities for having a common understanding of formative feedback. Findings reveal a widespread misunderstanding of formative feedback, with many perceiving it as equivalent to course evaluations, continuous summative assessments, and student ranking based on grades. The study highlights a lack of consensus among government officials, higher education administrators, faculty, and students regarding the definition and implementation of formative feedback. This research suggests the need for a comprehensive qualitative study to examine how formative feedback is defined and perceived across East Africa. Such an investigation could catalyze robust discussions among key stakeholders, leading to the development of shared definitions and sustainable formative feedback systems, ultimately enhancing educational outcomes in the region.

Author Biography

Edward Aligula, Africa International University

Education Department


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How to Cite

Aligula, E. . “Enhancing Quality Learning in East African Higher Education: Towards a Common Understanding of Formative Feedback”. Journal of Education, vol. 4, no. 5, June 2024, pp. 35-48, https://edinburgjournals.org/journals/index.php/journal-of-education/article/view/298.


