Effect of Training and Development on Organizational Commitment in Insurance Companies in Uasin Gishu County, Kenya


  • Dr. Rael Mandago Koitalel Samoei University, Kenya
  • Johnstone Kipcumba Tarus Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and Technology


training and development, organizational commitment, relevance and frequency


Purpose: To assess the effect of training and development on organizational commitment in insurance companies in Uasin Gishu County, Kenya

Research Methodology: In a bid to effectively achieve these objectives, the study adopted a descriptive research design based on samples drawn from across the insurance companies in Uasin Gishu County. The target population was 754 insurance companies’ employees.  A two-stage sampling technique was adopted where stratified random sampling was used to select the insurance companies after which simple random sampling was used to select respondents within the insurance companies. The study used the Krejcie and Morgan table (1970) to calculate the sample size which was 260 respondents from the target population of 754 respondents. The sample size was distributed proportionally to the insurance companies according to Neyman’s allocation formula to maximize survey precision. Data was collected by use of self-administered questionnaires which was tested for validity and reliability after piloting 26 questionnaires at Kisumu city insurance companies.  Data was analyzed by use of both inferential and descriptive statistics using SPSS version 25.

Results: There is a significant effect of training and development on organizational commitment in insurance companies in Uasin Gishu County, Kenya.

Conclusion and Recommendations: The availability, accessibility, and relevance of training programs in an organization is critical for organizational commitment. The insurance companies should therefore ensure that employees working in the organization are highly skilled and motivated by developing training and development programs that are accessible, relevant, frequently provided, and improved on to meet the dynamic requirements of the organization for organizational commitment. The organization should provide training on new work methods and regularly conduct a training needs assessment for relevant and satisfying training. In this regard, the insurance companies should invest in this HIWS as information sharing, team-based support, incentives and training for maximal organizational commitment.


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How to Cite

Mandago, D. R. ., & Tarus, J. K. (2024). Effect of Training and Development on Organizational Commitment in Insurance Companies in Uasin Gishu County, Kenya. Human Resource and Leadership, 4(2), 36–47. Retrieved from https://edinburgjournals.org/journals/index.php/journal-of-human-resource/article/view/338


