Effect of E-Recruitment on Employee Performance: A Case of Kajiado County Government


  • Pauline Sopilal Ronkoine Kenya Methodist University
  • Susan Nzioki Kenya Methodist University
  • Michael Kiama Kenya Methodist University


E-Recruitment, Employee Performance, Kajiado County Government


Purpose: The widespread use of information systems in a variety of activities and departments for organizational competitive advantage and success has been aided by businesses' widespread acceptance of technology. Despite this, the Kajiado county government has been facing inadequate service delivery, which is exacerbated by personnel performance that falls short of deadlines or timeframes in reaching targets. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of e-recruitment on employee performance in Kenya's Kajiado County Government. The technological acceptability model supported the study.

Methodology: This study utilized a descriptive research design. A total of 1689 employees, including supervisors and unionized workers, were part of the study's target demographic. A sample size of 313 was chosen by stratified random sampling. Questionnaires were used to compile data. Quantitative data was analyzed using thematic analysis, while qualitative data was analyzed using statistical analysis. The data was analyzed with descriptive and inferential statistics.

Results: Regression of coefficients showed that e-recruitment had a positive and significant effect on employee performance in Kajiado county (β=0.287, p=0.000). 

Conclusion: The study concluded that e-recruitment had a positive and significant effect on employee performance in Kajiado County. The government of Kenya should encourage all the counties to embrace the e-recruitment process. This is because e-recruitment minimizes paperwork recruitment and also minimizes costs. Counties should also use digital databases for their employees to minimize forgery and also for easier tracking of the applicants.

Author Biographies

Pauline Sopilal Ronkoine, Kenya Methodist University

School of Business and Economics

Susan Nzioki, Kenya Methodist University

School of Business and Economics

Michael Kiama, Kenya Methodist University

School of Business and Economics


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How to Cite

Ronkoine, P. S. ., Nzioki, S. ., & Kiama, M. . (2024). Effect of E-Recruitment on Employee Performance: A Case of Kajiado County Government. Human Resource and Leadership, 4(2), 48–57. Retrieved from https://edinburgjournals.org/journals/index.php/journal-of-human-resource/article/view/339


